Hot? Cold? Worried about infection? Wrap yourself in hemp!
By: Brad Shannon
Did you know? One of the oldest relics of human history is a piece of hemp fabric dating back to around 8,000 B.C. Betsy Ross is said to have sewn the first U.S. flag from hemp fabric, and the canvas used to make the first pair of Levi’s was even made from hemp fiber.
Today, what’s old is new again, as hemp textiles are being used to make countless items, from apparel to shoes to housewares to furniture upholstery.
The case for using hemp to make fabrics is clear. In addition to the benefits it provides from its growth cycle – enriching the soil and absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, hemp produces 250% more fiber per acre than cotton, 600% more than flax, and uses much less water than cotton to grow. Where cotton farmers use more insecticides than most any other crop grown, hemp uses very little in the way of chemicals for its cultivation.
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