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Welcome to the NoCo Hemp Expo Press Information Area.

You can apply for a press pass and review press policies below.

A limited number of press passes are available for accredited members of the press.
Please apply here for a press pass.

Apply Here for a Press PassApply Here for a Press Pass

Press Qualifications

Badge company name must reflect media outlet qualifications.
Press credentials are not carried over year to year, please register each year.


Definition: Journalists of reputable outlets in or related to the natural products industry (food press, wellness press, business press, trade press)


Press credentials consisting of a business card with your name, media outlet and title as well as ONE of the following:

Traditional Print Media (online versions as well) Examples include: Newsletter, Trade Journal, Magazine, eNewsletter.
TV/Radio: Please submit a link to your show or segments, as well as a screen shot of your stations issued press credentials.

Press Crew

Definition: Photographers, videographers, non-journalists affiliated with news outlets and attending for an official purpose


  • Proof of business, press credentials or assignment letter
  • Current Paycheck Stub
  • Web site describing the practices of the individual or business.


Definition: Bloggers, RDs, social media influencers, others with relevant following but not affiliated with a media outlet.


Minimum followers: 20K on one social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube). Note: If you have less than 20K but more than 10K followers, you will be registered as Social Enthusiast.

One pass per outlet; additional “Support” passes require approval and are subject to a fee.

Media Services

Definition: Publishers, Media Sales, Executives


Proof of Business


Social Enthusiast

Definition: Emerging bloggers


Minimum followers: 10K on one social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube). Registrants with less than 10K will be registered as Support.

Media Support

Definition: Misc. justified press guests; bloggers with less than the required minimum followers of “Social Enthusiast” will be considered under this category. Demonstration of business interest in natural products
industry required. Subject to additional review of content and engagement based on the needs and requirements of the event.


  • Proof of Business