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Sergiy Kovalenkov


Sergiy has received his Civil Engineering degree in Carleton University, Canada. After university he went

on to pursuit his engineering career in the field of construction project management before he came

across a hempcrete technology in 2010. Sergiy has worked on numerous hemp insulation projects across

the globe for the last eight years in countries like: Ukraine, Switzerland, France, Russia, Australia, USA and Poland.

In 2015, he founded "Hempire UA” in Ukraine, which has developed a 100% natural binder, that when mixed with hemp and water would create one of the lightest, carbon negative hempcrete insulation on the planet, called Hempire Mix.

In last few years Hempire has picked up high recognition and numerous awards for its’ technology and creative, challenging projects during international contests. Just to mention a few:

- Top 100 startups worldwide in Startup Energy Transition contest organized for G20 in Germany (2016)

- Top 100 Startups worldwide in New energy Contest in Kazakhstan event organized by EXPO 2017


- Winner during Kyiv Green Building International Architectural Contest (2016)

- Ukrainian finalist of Singularity University tech contest (USA) (2017)

- Winner of Innovation green tech voucher program from EBRD (European Bank of Reconstruction and

Development). Recipient of grant for business development. (2017)

- Winner as “Sustainable Company” Nomination during International Cannabis Conference (2018)

- Top 100 start-ups worldwide in Energy sector that will allow Hempire to showcase its’ innovation at 24th

World Energy Forum in Abu Dhabi (2019)

In 2018, Sergiy along with his partner Stuart McKenzie has founded Hempire USA in California and has started to take on hemp construction projects. The company will focus on bringing a new hemp process- ing technology and other natural innovative materials to US market and rest of the world.

The idea is to use 100% local hemp and other natural local materials to start building green sustainable future with carbon negative technology. Sergiy possesses vast experience and knowledge in the field of energy efficiency and green building and has been invited as a speaker to numerous hemp, green tech and climate change conferences in following countries: Ukraine, Japan, Belarus, United Arabic Emirates, England, Italy, Canada, China, Kazakhstan, Austria, Lithuania, Poland and USA.

In 2019, Sergiy became one of the founding members of US Hemp Building Association.

All Sessions by Sergiy Kovalenkov

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Kosmo Stage - Exhibit Hall

Building and Decortication Demo

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Kosmo Stage - Exhibit Hall

Biobased, Non-toxic Construction with Hemp

3:15 pm - 3:35 pm
Main Stage @ Holiday Inn

ReBuild Ukraine