Rocco Iannapollo spent nearly 30 years in the Oil and Gas Industry; starting in IT, then Project Management, Procurement/Supply Chain, HR, Real Estate & Facilities, Transportation/Logistics, and finally Drug & Alcohol Testing. Several years ago, he left corporate America and fulfilled a life-long passion and began working in the cannabis industry. After a couple of consulting gigs, in 2017 he became the Director of Emerging Channels at Tundra Restaurant Supply, in Boulder, CO. Tundra has served the restaurant industry for 25+ years and has now served the cannabis industry for 3 years as Cannabis Kitchen Supplies. Since then, he has gained extensive knowledge and built strong relationships with cannabis industry leaders, and readily shares these learnings and relationships with clients. Utilizing his deep business acumen, particularly around supply chain and vendor management, Rocco has become a versatile advocate for client needs. In addition to optimizing client supply chains (using Total Cost of Ownership principles), he is well positioned to help companies implement sustainable business practices and develop business strategies to improve performance and enhance resiliency.