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Morris Beegle is the President of We Are For Better Alternatives (WAFBA), a company focused on education, advocacy, and business development in the hemp industry. A seasoned entrepreneur and industry leader, he engages global audiences through live events, podcasts, webinars, and media platforms.

Under the WAFBA umbrella, Beegle organizes hemp-focused events, including the NoCo Hemp Expo and the EIHA Conference, and collaborates globally through the Experience Hemp International platform. He also publishes Let's Talk Hemp and oversees several hemp-based product brands, such as Silver Mountain Hemp Guitars, Tree Free Hemp Paper and Printing, and One Planet Hemp, a merchandise line that includes apparel, posters and accessories.

All Sessions by Morris Beegle

10:00 am - 10:10 am
Main Stage - Holiday Inn

Policy, Regulations & Research Conference - Welcome

3:40 pm - 4:20 pm
Main Stage - Holiday Inn

Be Here Now - Looking Back & Forward for 11 Years

Moderator - Ed Lehrburger

10:00 am - 10:10 am
Main Stage @ Holiday Inn

Welcome to the Fiber, Hurd, Materials Conference