Kim Stuck was the first Marijuana/Hemp specialist for a public health authority in the nation in Denver CO. She has a bachelor’s degree in Human Nutrition/Biochem, is a Certified Professional in Food Safety (CP-FS), a Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), and is a leading expert in Cannabis food safety. Kim is the Founder of Allay Consulting LLC, a consulting firm that helps the Industrial Hemp/CBD industry overcome compliance pitfalls in FDA Compliance, cGMP certification, ISO certification, OSHA, and Fire code. Kim has spoken at several different Hemp industry conferences including; Hemp and Hops, INDO Expo, NCIA, Speaking Food Canada, Food and Beverage Innovation Summit, and Imperious Expo. She is also a judge for the Colorado Manufacturing Awards who has recently allowed a Cannabis/Hemp manufacturing product award. She is a member of Cannabis Sustainability Board in Denver, the CDPHE Science and Policy work group, DDPHE Cannabis Health and Safety Advisory Board, the CDA CHAMP Initiative work group, and the ASTM Cannabis Standards work group.