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NoCo Hemp Expo Relocates to Colorado Springs, CO,
March 29-31, 2023

The 9th Annual NoCo Hemp Expo is headed south for 2023 taking place at one of Colorado’s most legendary and historic resorts, The Broadmoor.
Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, The Broadmoor offers a world class setting and convention space for the largest hemp exposition and trade show in the world. Downtown Colorado Springs provides easy access to Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, Pikes Peak, Cheyenne Mountain and an abundance of restaurants, bars and hotels centered around the city’s bustling night life.

For nearly a decade, NoCo Hemp Expo — the world’s most comprehensive industrial hemp exposition and conference — has brought together international business and government leaders, agriculture, academia, nonprofits, media and the public to collaborate on important initiatives, opportunities and solutions for the future of a crop and an industry that can have significant positive impact on human, animal and planetary health.

This years event is critical for industry stakeholders and thought leaders to gather, align our messaging, unite our voices regarding the 2023 Farm Bill along with the federal regulation of CBD and other hemp-derived cannabinoids, and to set the agenda for the future of the domestic and international hemp industry

We invite you to join us on this mission.

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Welcome to NoCo9 – Stewardship!

Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs
Experience Hemp Expo Hall

NoCo Hemp Expo - Exhibit Hall

Hemp Products and Services from around the World

Sponsors & Exhibitors across the Supply Chain

Farmers & Cultivators, Seed & Genetics Companies, Equipment Manufacturers, Fiber & Grain Processors, Extraction Companies, White Label Manufacturers, Distribution & Wholesale Companies, Textile Companies, Banking & Credit Card Processing, Lending & Capital, Lab Services, Legal Services, Insurance Providers, Apparel Brands, CBD & Supplement Brands, Food & Beverage Brands, Printing & Packaging Companies, Technology Companies, Certification Organizations, Non-Profits & a Whole Lot More!

Divita Hemp Block Demo Zone & Solution Circle

Hemp Demo's, Workshops and Solution Oriented Presentations

EarthX Climate Lounge

The World's Largest Environmental and Climate Event

Indigenous Pavilion

Native Organizations From The Americas

Hemp Equipment Zone

Hemp Farming & Processing Equipment

Hemp Pitch

Hemp Pitch Winners 2023

This year’s NoCo Hemp Expo also featured the second annual NoCo Hemp Pitch, where six finalist companies vied for prizes, including legal fees and other services.

Sponsored by Michael Best, a leading law firm serving the hemp and cannabis markets, the NoCo Hemp Pitch competition gave the finalists six minutes each to pitch their brand or idea to a live audience and to judges, who included hemp industry start-up consultants, attorneys and investors.

This year’s winners were:

1st place: Bee Delightful, led by Skyler Johnstone and master beekeeper Daniel Weaver, produces wildflower honey from rescue bees in Central Texas and infuses the raw honey with a carefully extracted, naturally occurring cannabidiol (CBD) from organic hemp farms in Colorado, Oregon and Kentucky.

2nd place: Pure BioPlastics, led by Ed Lehrburger out of Colorado, creates hemp fiber produced by PureHemp, which has been manufactured and sold into various markets to make first-generation hemp plastics. During the past five years, the company has developed a new technology to convert hemp stalks into 100% bioplastics (second-generation hemp plastics).

Let's Talk Hemp


WAFBA Awards of Excellence at NoCo9

NoCo9 to honor the finalists and winners of the WAFBA Awards of Excellence. Hemp is moving forward, and it’s time to take a step back and give recognition to those who have been dedicating their lives to this movement.  Please nominate a person or company who you believe deserves these awards.

(speakers and schedule subject to change)

Aaron Barr
Canadian Rockies Hemp Corp.

Aaron Appleby
White Coat Laboratories

Adam Young
Cannabis/Psychedelics Industries Liaison

Alex Escher
Hemp Hollow Processing

Alex White Plume
White Plume Hemp Company

Alexis Harris
Harris and Associates LLC

Alicia Fall
Her Many Voices Foundation

Amber Watts
Tree Hugger Marketing

Angel Israel
Savor The World

Andrew Kline
Perkins Coie

Andrew Bish
Bish Enterprises / Hemp Harvest Works

Anndrea Hermann
The Ridge International Cannabis Consulting

Asa Waldstein
Supplement Advisory Group

Bart Eller
Paonia Soil Co

Beau Whitney
Whitney Economics

Bert James
Root to Flower

Bill Billings
Colorado Hemp Project

Bob Hoban
Clark Hill

Brian Koontz
Colorado Dept of Agriculture

Bridget Williams
Green Harvest Health

Bruce Kennedy
Hemp Benchmarks

Caleb King
Shimadzu Scientific

Charles MacGowan
Pyrite Trading Company LLC

Charles Wellso
Sanitas Peak Advisory, LLC

Chloe Villano
Clover Leaf University

Christopher Hope
Sequoia Management Group

Christopher Boucher
Farmtiva / Juicetiva

Christopher Fontes
Trojan Horse Cannabis

Christopher Hudalla
ProVerde Laboratories

Coach Freddie Cecchini
iHemp Revolution

Corbett Hefner
Global Fiber Processing / Formation Ag

Corbett Miteff

Courtney Moran
Earth Law LLC

Danielle Espinel
Canna Latino

Daniel Fabricant
Natural Products Association

Darwin Millard

Das Ellis
Hemp IScream

Daulton O’Neill

Dave Beegle
Dave Beegle Music

David DiGiacomo
Michael Best and Friedrich, LLP

David Suchoff
North Carolina State University

David Vaillencourt
The GMP Collective

Derek Montgomery
International Hemp, LLC

Dion Lefebvre
8th Fire Innovations

Dionne Holmquist
Homer’s Eagles Roost

DJ JazzyTones

Doug Fine
Regenerative Farmer/Author of American Hemp Farmer

Douglas Hannah
Silverleaf Venture Partners

Drew Kitt

Ed Lehrburger
PureHemp Technology LLC

Eric Hurlock
Lancaster Farming

Eric Pike
Root Origins

Eric Singular
International Hemp

Eric Steenstra
Vote Hemp

Erica Brown
Erica Brown Blues with The Lionel Young Band

Finn Murphy
Author, Rocky Mountain High

Franny Tacy
Franny’s Farmacy

Frederick Cawthon
Hemp Alliance of Tennessee

Garrett Graff
Moye White

Gemma Ra’Star DiFerdinando
Wumaniti Earth Native Sanctuary

Geoff Trotter

Geoff Whaling
National Hemp Association and rePlant Hemp Advisors

Greg Wilson

Guy Carpenter
Bear Fiber Inc.

Hana Gabrielová
Hempoint / KonopiUS

Herrick Fox
Meristem Institute

Holly Bell
Flora Growth

Hunter Buffington
Agriculture Policy Solutions

Jackie Bowen
Clean Label Project / CSQ

James Forbes
Tiger Fiber, Inc.

James Johnson
JJGRO Enterprises

Jared Polis
Colorado Governor

Jeff Cole
U.S. Hemp Brokerage

Jane Kolodinsky
University of Vermont

Janel Ralph
RE Botanicals / Palmetto Harmony

Jared Stanley
Charlottes Web CBD

Jason Finnis
Bast Fibre Technologies Inc.

Jean Lotus
Haepenny, LLC

James Granger
Cliintel Capital Group

Jeff Kostuik
Verve Seed Solutions

John Jemison
UMaine Cooperative Extension

Jon Coyles
Major League Baseball

Jonathan Miller

US Hemp Roundtable

Joy Beckerman
Hemp Ace International 

Justin Boot
The Goddamn Ranchhand Band

Kady Cravens

Keith Butler
OP Innovates / Naturia+™

Ken Elliott

Kevin Schultz
357 Hemp Logistics

Lawrence Serbin
Hemp Traders/CannaGrove

Larry Smart
Cornell University – College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Leah Lakstins
Higher Ed Hemp Tours

Liz Geisleman
Canna Consortium / 710 Spirits

Lorenza Romanese
European Industrial Hemp Association

Lorenzo Rolim
Latin America Industrial Hemp Association

Lucas Evans
E3 Agriculture

Maciej Kowalski
Kombinat Konopny

Mandi Kerr
Global Hemp Association

Marco Fugazza
United Nation Conference for Trade and Development

Mariana Larrea
Grupo Libera

Marielle Weintraub
US Hemp Authority

Mary Jane Oatman
Indigenous Cannabis Coalition

Matt Regusci
Cannabis Safety & Quality (CSQ)

Maureen West
Maureen West & Associates, LLC

Melissa Gibson
Hemp & Humanity

Micaela Machado
Old Pueblo Hemp Co.

Melissa Nelson
South Bend Industrial Hemp

Mina Mishrikey
Merida Capital Holdings

Misty Burris
Oregon Institute for a Better Way

Morgan Davis
Davis Legal, PLLC

Morris Beegle
WAFBA – We Are For Better Alternatives 

Neha Chavan
Oneness Technologies

Patrick Atagi
National Industrial Hemp Council

Patrick Brown

Patrick McCartan

Paul River Richardson
Haven Earth

Raven Faber
EngErotics, Inc.

Rhiannon Woo

Richard Cheng
Weaver Johnston Nelson, PLLC

Rob Pero
Canndigenous CBD

Robert Ziner
Advanced Bio-Material Technologies Corporation

Roger Gussiaas
Healthy Oilseeds

Dr. Russell Jessup
Texas A&M University

Ryan Loflin
Rocky Mountain Hemp

Samantha Walsh
Tetra Public Affairs

Sandra Marquardt
Textile Exchange

Sean Murphy
Kompassion, Inc.

Sergiy Kovalenkov
Hempire USA

Shane Pritchard
Hemp Processing Partners/ United Precision Engineering

Stanley Atkins II
Minorities for Medical Marijuana

Stephen Clarke

Steve Groff
Cedar Meadow Farm

Summer Star Haeske

Ted Haney
Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance

Terry Moran
International Hemp

Theo Wahquahboshkuk
Prairie Band Ag, LLC

Tim Gordon
Gateway Proven Strategies

Tim Houseberg
The Indigenous Production Trade Alliance

Timothy White
Texas Healthy Homes

Tom Rossmassler

Trammell Crow

Uzma Rawn
Major League Baseball

Wendy Mosher
New West Genetics, Inc.

Winona LaDuke
Winona’s Hemp & Heritage Farm


The Broadmoor

The Broadmoor
1 Lake Avenue,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(800) 755-5011

Networking Events

The Broadmoor Hotel is a 5000 acre resort with numerous restaurants, bars, and networking space capable of hosting any number of unique functions –  for what promises to be the best networking opportunities yet for the hemp industry!

To start, we will start with a Golf Tournament on Tuesday, then on Wednesday, March 29th, we’ll have The NoCo9 Lake Terrace Welcome Party including the 2nd Annual WAFBA Awards of Excellence.  We will end the event with The Garden of the Hemp Gods Celebration, The Official 2023 NoCo Hemp Expo After Party on Friday March, 31st.  Sprinkled throughout those events will be exclusive cocktail and dinner VIP parties with opportunities for off site excursions to downtown Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, Pikes Peak & more.  Exquisite Food, Ambiance, Entertainment & Energy will make this Event one for the Ages.

Tree Free Hemp Charity Golf Challenge

Tuesday March 28th, 2023

Join us as we kickoff the 9th Annual NoCo Hemp Expo in Colorado Springs on Tuesday March 28th with the Tree Free Hemp Charity Golf Challenge.

This is a limited 10 hole / Special Format golf outing at the World-Class Broadmoor Resort. Entry Fee is $125 per individual or $500 per 4 person team. Noon-4pm. Limited spots available.
(Weather dependent.)

Tree Free Hemp Charity Golf Challenge Winners
The team from Sawyer Labs/Trusted Harvest won the first annual Tree Free Hemp Charity Golf Challenge, to benefit the Realm of Caring Foundation.

Tree Free Hemp

Wednesday March 29th

NoCo9 Lake Terrace Welcome Party
and WAFBA Awards of Excellence

6:30-9pm – Lake Terrace & Dining Room
Featuring Dave Beegle and Justin Boot

Welcome Party Sponsors

Dave Beegle

 Justin Boot &
The Goddamn Ranchhand Band

Thursday March 30th

First Citizens Bank Exclusive NoCo9 VIP Party
Invitation only

First Citizens Bank

After Party

Friday March 31st

The Garden of the Hemp Gods Celebration
Featuring Erica Brown Blues with The Lionel Young Band
The Official 2023 NoCo Hemp Expo After Party
8:00pm-Midnight – The Broadmoor Ballroom

Global Fiber Processing

The Canna Consortium

Erica Brown Blues with The Lionel Young Band

DJ JazzyTones